Massimo Portolani

This is the personal web site of Massimo Portolani, artist and song composer, electronic boards designer and computer programmer, with an interest in social sciences, music, photography and travel.
You can find my music on the main platforms, like Spotify, Youtube music, Amazon ,Apple Music etc. Just look for Massimo Portolani. You can buy some of my stock photos from Alamy. For any info please contact me

I like to call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, a person that wants to work independently to be able to follow his interests without having to ask permission to anybody. At least I try to do it...
I founded 2 companies: DPS-Promatic srl in 1981 and Altercodex srl in 2016.
I am an artist and composer by passion and I am an electronic designer and a programmer for a living, I have studied political economy, I play guitar, I shoot pictures and travel, when I can.

I was born february 12th 1960, in the mountains of Montevecchio, near Civitella di Romagna. In this piture I am the little baby with my mother Emilia and my father Giovanni. I attended Science Lyceum and then 2 years of electronic engineering in Bologna University.
I then started working and I got a Master Degree in International Relations when I was 44. I am fluent in english, not bad in French and Spanish, and I can survive pretty well in Russia and Germany thanks to my knowledge of those 2 languages.
I visited many countries, mainly for work, including China, Japan, Russia, USA, Israel, Iran, Thailand, Ethiopia, Turkey and almost all the European countries.
I have been professor of entrepreneurship at the Bologna University.
I am currently manager of DPS-Promatic srl and Altercodex srl, two companies I founded.
I can speak well in public, both in Italian and English.

I play guitar and synts, and write songs. I have been a professional guitarist in a orchestra when I was 17 and 18, in 1977-1978. I am a composer of lyrics and music. When I was 18 I won a national competition for the translation of Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll and went to London to meet Ian Dury.
I have presented a few events in italian and english.
I have written some songs that I played together with Tar musician Fakhraddin Gafarov.
With my long time friend Alessandro Novaga we have written dance music in the 80ties and something else (like Il Maiale) more recently. With my friends Paolo Simoncelli, Nicola D'Alba and Alfiero Balassini we started the group Solaris.
On August 11th 2021, my first album, La nuova vita, was released on the major platforms: Spotify, Itunes, Amazon and more.
More is being released in 2022, among them Time to Go and Slaves. You can find my music on the major platforms, just look for Massimo Portolani.
Here are some links:

I have an interest in political economy, I wrote something about software patents, the Just Price, corruption comparation. I have recently written a little book about the Bocca della Verità.
Here are some links:

I shoot digital pictures since the 80ties. My first digital camera was the Canon ION, with a minidisc. My art teacher, when I was a teen-ager, told me to go around and draw whatever seemed beautiful to me. Nowadays it is easier, thanks to high quality cameras in phones. There is a lot of beauty everywhere, in large views and in little details.
I like to modify pictures, and add a sentence to them, that completes them, from my point of view. I print some of them on canvas, 120 cm wide, that I may sell for 200 euro and ship everywhere.
Here are some of my pictures:

my INSTAGRAM account.

I design machines that work with people, like weighing scales and luggage scales. I designed many other machines like the Fortune teller BOCCA DELLA VERITA', the WANTED photo booth, Wireless weather stations, wireless printers for on-line orders and more. I design hardware with ARM microprocessors and I write software in assembler, C and Python. I founded and manage DPS-Promatic srl and Altercodex srl